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Blog 1: Changed my eating habit, and my whole life changed!

Just when you think you know what's best for your children, you may realize that they have already decided what's best for you.

When my son Deniz turned 4, he refused to eat animal products. Just imagine right at that crucial age when he had to intake loads of nutrients and protein!

Even though there was a whole community and family members who are totally opposed to the idea of plant-based dieting, I listened to my inner voice and started my research.

I tried to read everything I could get my hands on based on scientific data: articles, magazines, web pages by foreign physicians and nutritionists…

I followed each one closely and took notes. I soon realized that if I could integrate whole food plant-based system to my kitchen, Deniz could actually continue eating delicious meals he would relish, without being deprived of the nutritional elements he needed for growth, and in fact, in a much more healthy way!

After learning so many refreshing information, I started to think that this way of eating might actually change my life around too. At that time, I was suffering from chronic indigestion, nutrition and b12 deficiencies. Upon reading real life stories, I learned that such a diet would regulate digestive systems, cure diseases caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and even have a favorable psychological impact. I realized that I could not turn my back on this data. I decided to organize my entire shopping list and cellar from scratch. I had to gradually change the traditional system and adapt this whole food plant-based system in my kitchen and make this journey as easy as possible for my family and myself, while ensuring the systems sustainability.

In as little as one month, I began to understand what I did correctly, and to what extent. Not only indigestion and digestive problems disappeared, I started to lose weight in a healthy manner, while regaining my energy. I observed that my son's immune system got stronger, and indeed his blood test results were much better than the previous year. Furthermore, I should add that all of this had a very favorable impact on my psychology as was suggested in the articles.

So I decided to touch upon more people's lives by sharing the eating habits that created such a positive effect on our life. That's how I created Naked Bites is created. In other words, I can say that a 4-year-old boy set the ball rolling to all these wonderful things to happen:)

In these pages, I hope to share all the experiences, my original recipes, as well as tips and techniques I learned from all my researches, so as to make this journey smooth and pleasant for you as well.

Hope you have fun reading them….

İpek :)



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